GOD is my everything. GOD is amazing and awesome covered in His glory. GOD is able, capable and almighty to do whatever HE may please. GOD is glorious and exalted in HIS greatness. GOD is alive and living in everything and every one of HIS people. GOD is alpha and omega, being at the beginning and the end. GOD is beautiful and incredible in HIS creation. GOD is bright and shining brighter than any light in this darkened world. GOD is busy and at work in HIS people. GOD is clean and pure being without any form of sin. GOD is complete, holy and divine in nature. GOD is consistent and faithful in that HE never fails us. GOD is greater than death and is not bound by that. GOD is our deliverer. GOD is eternal and will be everlasting. GOD is our heavenly FATHER and will never leave as some earthly fathers do. GOD is forgiving and full of grace. GOD is our rock and foundation. GOD is freedom from sin. GOD is healing through our pain. GOD is Lord and King of our lives. GOD is omniscient lacking no knowledge at all. GOD is living water and life for our souls. GOD is love, a lot of it. GOD is merciful and kind. GOD is peace from war and pain. GOD is praised at the top of our lungs. GOD is present and sitting right next to us, every moment of the day. GOD is promises that continue to be fulfilled. GOD is protector and defender over us. GOD is purposeful and has great plans for us. GOD is a rebel to the world, in that HE is different from what society says is normal. GOD is our redeemer. GOD is resurrected and cannot be held down. GOD is righteous. GOD is the shepherd of our life, guiding us along every step of the path. GOD is the lion and the lamb being stronger than anything yet gentle to us in every way possible. GOD is my everything.