Monday, February 22, 2010

GOD'S creation

ever since i was little i loved sunsets. i remember my mom telling me that sunsets were GOD'S paintings in the sky. i loved watching them change colors from red, pink, orange, yellow and purple until the sun fully vanished behind the sea. i remember thinking that sunsets were the coolest thing that GOD created but now i see other wise. GOD is so amazing and i can not say it enough. how can one not say it with everything that is in creation? creation screams GOD'S name everyday. the trees that sway in the breeze, the clouds that roll by, the flowers that bloom the most beautiful colors, the purple mountains. i mean i am speechless when i think about creation and what GOD has done to show us HIS love. my hope, is that no one takes creation for granted but they will see the one true CREATOR of the heavens and of earth. GOD. pslams 148 says "the beauty of creation praises GOD'S name."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

GOD'S love

did you know that the bible uses the word love 333 times? i am in awe of how much GOD loves me. i feel like i do not deserve it. i am at a loss for words when i think about the KING of the universe who created everything and who knows all things still loves me more then anything. like who am i? when i think about it i get butterfly in my stomach and all excited to even thing about GOD'S love for me. it is mind blowing. i thank GOD everyday for loving me so much despite all the wrong things i do. HE is still there with HIS arms wide open. i love how HE loves!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

i can only imagine

"surrounded by YOUR glory. what will my heart feel? will i dance for YOU JESUS? or in awe of YOU be still? will i stand in YOUR presence? or to my knees will i fall? will i sing hallelujah? will i be able to speak it all? i can only imagine. i can only imagine."
this song nearly brings me to tears every time i hear it. i absolutely love the words of this song because they are so real. i really do wonder what i will do for my LORD when i get to heaven. i am so moved when i listen to this song because we can only imagine what heaven will be like. JESUS said that it is unfathomable what heaven will be like when we get there. that HE has gone to prepare a place for us. i dont know about you but i can not wait to get there because once i get there, i wont have to imagine anymore.

crawling back to you

i was listening to my ipod the other day and a song from the backstreet boys came on. i was listening to the lyrics and even though it was not a christian song, the lyrics made me think about the LORD and how when we are finally pushed to our limits we come crawling back to HIM. how we can make the stupidest decisions and HE still wants us to come crawling back into HIS arms. HE is waiting for us to hear HIS still small voice and turn from our wrong doings. i know that i will and have back slide away from the LORD and HIS love but i know that HE will never leave me. no matter what i have done or will do HE in my heavenly FATHER. i can not wait to get to heaven and hear HIM say, "well done, good and faithful servant. enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


remember back to when you were little and when you did something wrong. remember how your mom or dad would always tell you to say your sorry and you would. you would say you were sorry and move along with your day because everything was okay now that you apologized. then how come as you get older apologizing gets harder and harder to do? the words im sorry or i was wrong are the words that people never want to come out of their mouths. i know apologizing can be difficult but i challenge you to be the bigger person, admit that you were wrong and apologize for your mistake and move on. do not dwell on the past because that will only leave you more upset. just forget about it and keep living your life because the time you spend doing work to further HIS kingdom is more valuable then not apologizing to spare your pride.

who am i...

lately i have been in awe about how the LORD is so mighty and powerful. i think about how much HE has created and how everything cries out to HIM in wonder. how there is so much GOD has done and yet still HE knows who i am. HE knows my name, HE knows my thoughts. HE knows when i am feeling sad, angry and upset but HE also knows when i am happy, giddy and full of life. i am so amazed and excited that the GOD of the universe still cares about me and still love me even after everything that i have done. HE is just so magnificent, astounding and marvelous as the song says that who am i that HE still loves me. i am so thankful that no matter what i do that my heavenly FATHER still after everything still calls me HIS precious child.

you deserve more

has anyone ever told you that you deserve more? that you deserve to be treated better then the way you are being treated? that you deserve the best? that you deserve all this because your worth it? just recently i have been hearing some version of these questions and i am not used to it. people are telling me i deserve what i am getting, that i deserve to be here, that i deserve the best and to me i find it odd that someone would think that of me. to think that i am worth all the time and effort. to think that i deserve to be treated the way that i am being treated because i am worth it. i have never thought of myself as the kind of girl that deserves to be treated like a princess or deserves being treated like i am worth something great or am valued by someone so much. so as this is all happening i am trying to put the pieces together in my head that i do deserve more.

a pictures worth a thousand words

maybe it is a girl thing but i love taking pictures. i take pictures all the time. i think it has something to do with wanting to remember the moment. being able to look at the pictures and to see a time in my life that i was having fun and was really happy. pictures to me are more then just people on a piece of paper; it is my family from italy i have only seen twice, it is my friends from high school that i never see anymore and my friends from college when after its over i do not know where they will be, its moments with my boyfriend that i just want to remember forever. pictures are memories in my life that i can not get back but i can remember. i love that i can have a photo album of things that have happened im my life full of pictures that are worth a thousand words.